Hi, it’s nice to meet you :)

My name is Daniel Steinfeld and I’m a PostDoc researcher at the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern. I’m working on various research projects about large-scale dynamics and climate extremes. In one applied project in collaboration with the Canton of Bern and the Wyss Academy for Nature, we analyse past, present and future forest fires in Switzerland and develop statistical models (machine learning, deep learning) to better predict fire weather danger.

A little bit about me: I did my Masters in Climate Sciences at the University of Bern and my PhD in Atmospheric Sciences at ETH Zurich. The focus of my research was on atmospheric and climate dynamics, aimed at analysing physical processes governing the large-scale circulation and high-impact weather phenomena such as atmospheric blocking and windstorms.

Previously, I worked for two years as a Natural Catastrophe Risk Modeler for a Swiss insurance company.

Learn more about my project at the University of Bern here: https://www.geography.unibe.ch/about_us/staff/dr_steinfeld_daniel

You can find some of my current projects here: https://github.com/steidani

Numerical simulation of an extreme weather event (persistent atmospheric blocking in autumn 2016) with the global weather model IFS from ECMWF (as part of my PhD project).